


Consecuencias de la Crisis Sanitaria Global en las Pymes Andaluzas: Medidas Empresariales Post-Covid-19 y Soluciones Efectivas Ante la Catástrofe Económica

The health crisis as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic is generating devastating economic and social consequences. In the face of this dramatic economic context, the business challenge will be for companies to resist this context by trying to maintain the jobs of employees and minimum profitability figures that allow subsistence in order to resurface as soon as possible. In this regard, the main question that this research project seeks to answer is: how are companies going to resist this economic crisis generated by COVID-19?

To shed light on this issue, the objective of this project is to carry out an analysis of the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on companies in general and on SMEs in particular, as well as on the solutions that will be generated in order to mitigate its devastating effects. This project, therefore, studies the actions that companies are carrying out and will have to develop in the coming months to curb the negative effects of the health crisis, which are called “post-COVID-19 measures” .

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HÉROES19 es una iniciativa desarrollada por el trabajo de voluntarios y voluntarias que son profesores en el Departamento de Organización de Empresas 2 y del Grupo de Investigación ISDE (Innovación, Sostenibilidad y Desarrollo) de la Universidad de Granada, puesta en marcha con la colaboración fundamental del Área de Plataformas Web Corporativas del Centro de Servicios de Informática y Redes de Comunicaciones de la misma universidad.   Los responsables del Centro Artístico y Literario de Granada ha colaborado de forma excepcional en la edición de algunas de las propuestas recibidas.     Este blog NO acepta donaciones ni tiene intereses comerciales.