
Delgado-Márquez, B. L., Hurtado-Torres, N. E., Pedauga, L. E., & Cordón-Pozo, E. (2018). A network view of innovation performance for multinational corporation subsidiaries. Regional Studies52(1), 47-67.


A network view of innovation performance for multinational corporation subsidiaries: functionality and geography. Regional Studies. The literature has recognized the need to understand better the role of network partner characteristics on innovative performance in cases of multiple network embeddedness. This study argues that innovation performance is partly a function of the value created through intra- and inter-organizational flows of knowledge within and across regions. The analyses are based on two random-effects logistic models with sample selection. Results show that the functional breadth of a subsidiary’s inter-organizational network has an inverted ‘U’-shaped relationship with its radical and incremental innovation performance. Additionally, radical innovation performance is influenced by internal and external partners from different geographical locations.