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Delgado-Ceballos, J., Aragon-Correa, J. A., Ortiz-de-Mandojana, N. & Rueda-Manzanares, A. (2012). The effect of internal barriers on the connection between stakeholder integration and proactive environmental strategies. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(3), 281-293. Go to publications.
Bowen, F. & Aragon-Correa, J. A. (2014). Greenwashing in corporate environmentalism research and practice: The importance of what we say and do. Organization & Environment, 27 (2) Go to publications.
Torre‐Ruiz, J. M., Aragon‐Correa, J. A. & Martín‐Tapia, I. (2015). Do individual preferences affect the environmental decision‐making process in teams? The role of participation. Business Strategy and the Environment, 24(6), 451-465. Go to publications.
Aragón-Correa, J. A. (1998). Strategic proactivity and firm approach to the natural environment. Academy of Management Journal, 41(5), 556-567. Go to publications.
Aragón-Correa, J. A. & Sharma, S. (2003). A contingent resource-based view of proactive corporate environmental strategy. Academy of Management Review, 28(1), 71-88. Go to publications.
Aragon-Correa, J. A., Hurtado-Torres, N. E., Sharma, S. & García-Morales, V. J. (2008). Environmental strategy and performance in small firms: A resource-based perspective. Journal of Environmental Management, 86(1), 88-103. Go to publications.
Aguilera-Caracuel, J., Aragón-Correa, J. A., & Hurtado-Torres, N. E. (2011). Extending the literature on the environmental strategy of MNEs. Multinational Business Review, 19(4), 299-310. Go to publications.
Aguilera-Caracuel, J., Hurtado-Torres, N. E. & Aragon-Correa, J. A. (2012). Does international experience help firms to be green? A knowledge-based view of how international experience and organisational learning influence proactive environmental strategies. International Business Review, 21(5), 847-861. Go to publications.