Alberto Aragón-Correa is Professor of Strategy at University of Granada (Spain) and Honorary Professor of Management at University of Surrey (United Kingdom). His expertise is related with the analysis of the relationships between business and environmental strategies. Alberto has published more than 50 works in top tier research journals, including Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Learning and Education, British Journal of Management, Long Range Planning, California Management Review, Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Environmental Management, and Ecological Economics, among others. Two of his works have been included in the “top 30 seminal pieces” in the research literature on management and natural environment and his publications have received more than 5000 citations. he was a Visiting Professor at University of Berkeley (USA), University of California at Los Angeles (USA), ETH-Zurich (Switzerland), and Erasmus University (The Netherlands). Alberto is Co-Editor in Chief of the Cambridge University Press Book Series on “Organizations and the Natural Environment”. He has led multiple environmental initiatives with firms and research organizations in more than 20 countries to analyze and implement strategic actions reinforcing the sustainability of our daily lives. Alberto has received multiple awards and distinctions including the 2015 ONE Services Award from the Academy of Management’s Division on Organizations and Natural Environment (ONE), the biggest international academic organization in the field of business management.
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