Natalia Ortiz Martínez De Mandojana

Senior ISDE Sustainability Research Team

Natalia Ortiz-de-Mandojana is Associate Professor of Management and Strategy at the University of Granada (Spain). Her research interests include the connections between corporate governance and environmental management and the role of time in shaping the financial aspects of business sustainability. She has published several papers in JCR-indexed international journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Strategy and the Environment, Business & Society, Corporate Governance: An International Review, and Organization & Environment among others, and book chapters published by Palgrave Macmillan and SAGE Publications. Natalia enjoyed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Richard Ivey School of Business (London, Canada) and was a visiting researcher at the Cass Business School (London, UK). Natalia has been an elected member (2014-2017) of the Membership and Nominations Team of the Academy of Management’s Division on Organizations and Natural Environment (ONE), the biggest international academic organization in the field of business management.